Migrating from AwwApp to Browserboard

Browserboard is a free alternative to AwwApp. It is less mature, but may have the features you need.

To request a feature, please send us a note through our feedback form. We're improving Browserboard very quickly and we use your feedback to set our priorities.

AwwApp Browserboard
Infinite canvas ∞
Fullscreen mode 🔎
Templates 📘
No account required 🕵️‍♂️
Unlimited free collaborators 👥
Zoom integration 🟦
PDF export 📄
High-res PNG image export 🌇
Smooth line drawing 🖌
Eraser 🧯
Selection tool 🔲
Simple text 📑
Rich text 📜
Lots of colors 🎨
Shapes 🟢
Transparent marker 🖍
Simple arrows ↗
Complex arrows ↪
Sticky notes 📝
Image uploads 🏞
PDF uploads 📑
Multiple pages per board 📄📄